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Wiltshire Council wants customers with a housing need to be able to access useful advice quickly. There is high demand for most social rented accommodation in the council’s area and staying put and improving your present housing conditions can be easier than you might think. Please call us on 0300 456 0106 to discuss these options further.
Wiltshire Council is committed to, in time, providing a website that is accessible to all. Please click here for our accessibility page to view the website in different ways depending upon your preferences. For our page about the accessibility standards of the site, please click here. This pages talks about the accessibility issues of the site and the steps we are taking to improve the site's accessibility.
To receive emails or letters in accessible formats, for example a large or different font, with a particular background colour, in braille, audio or another language in addition to English, please let us know. Again, please indicate this on your housing application form or when you speak to a member of the team.
We are constantly reviewing our website to ensure its accessibility. If you have suggestions, please refer to our How to contact us page.
2023 is turning out to be a difficult year financially for many people. If you are struggling financially, there is help for working age people, help for state pension age people, help for self-employed people, help for the sick, help with housing costs for working age people, help with housing costs for pension age people and people in supported housing and help with the Council Tax. For more information about your entitlement to help, please see the benefits calculators. If you need help with managing money in these difficult times, please see our money management page.
If you are having problems with repairs to your private rented home, or you believe that the landlord is not maintaining the home to an appropriate standard, please see our Private rented housing pages.
If you are having difficulty paying your rent, mortgage or other bills, please don't do nothing! Please see our Worried about losing your home page for organisations who give free advice.
If you need to discuss matters other than a move to more suitable accommodation, please see our Council tenants' pages. Our contact details for particular issues may be found here.
Struggling with your rent payments to the council? Please call us on 0300 456 0117 Option 1 or email us at now. Our Income Team is here to help you.
If you are having difficulty paying your mortgage or other bills, please don't do nothing! Please see Worried about losing your home page for organisations who give free advice. It is important to resolve any difficulties before they become too big.
For help with homelessness or the risk of homelesness please see our Worried about losing your home page.